
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Few Common Social Rules

So as we know there are so many unwritten social rules in our society. I was thinking about these different rules and I thought I would try to compile a list for your aid.

Public Displays of Affection (PDA)

There is nothing wrong with holding hands or showing your affection to your significant other in public. An occasional peck, hug or even kiss on the cheek is acceptable as well. But, let’s draw the line here no making out, or better yet no open mouth kissing. It’s not classy and no one wants to see two overly excited teenagers or college students eat each other’s face. It’s awkward enough as it is with your teeth or maybe even braces clanging against each other. Save that type of thing for a more private setting. And no you still can’t make out in a movie theatre. I don’t care if it’s dark and if you think everyone else is watching the movie, it’s not right.

My friend Tyler (you know the tall guy, with red hair, owlish figure) recently got married. Before his wedding I had never really seen him be too affectionate in public so it was a little strange to see him peck and kiss his lovely wife. At the reception after they cut the cake and of course smashed cake in each others’ faces, Tyler swooped in for a big open mouth kiss. Many of his friends and I were stunned to see such a kiss from Tyler and in front of so many people. Of course such a kiss was reasonable being his wedding day and so on. But, it was still a little weird and uncomfortable. Open mouth kisses are better left for a private setting.

Answering the phone in the library

I don’t know why people think this is acceptable, is definitely frowned upon. You can maybe answer your phone in a public area if only to quickly say “I’m in the library, call you back” Or if you are in the process of quickly leaving your study area to talk in a more secluded setting. You look like a gerk and no one wants to hear you argue with your mom or sister on the phone while they are trying to study.

Overdress than underdressed

Okay, I don’t know much about fashion. I’m still at the point where I look at clothes for the purpose of properly covering myself. Things such as plaid, paisley, or arguyle baffle me. But, I do know that in certain settings your manner of dress differs. A general rule, I think is good to follow is that it is better to overdress than underdress. I’ve been the gerk that shows up to a wedding reception in jeans far too often, it’s not so deece.

Ipod in public

If you’re walking around with your Ipod and someone stops to talk to you, take out your headphones. Even if the music is off, it still looks weird and the person you’re talking too doesn’t necessarily know if you’re listening to them or Selena Gomez. It’s the polite thing to do and will lead to a better conversation. Also don't sing along to your Ipod, it's weird and confusing to others, but if you do decide to do so keep it quiet. Finally, don't have your Ipod so loud that other people can hear it. It's slightly annoying and it's just weird for everyone else.

When it’s acceptable to call/text someone?

Don’t call or text anyone to initiate conversation or communication before 9:00 AM or after 10:00 PM. Very few people are truly morning people and if they are it’s just weird to get a call that early. Any time you get a call around this time from a random friend you’re always anticipating some emergency arising or that their call will be very important. But, it’s probably not. Everyone needs their personal time so keep the phone calls and texts during this hour to minimum. Of course, there are exceptions depending on your relationship with the person, of if you were just with the person you called, or if they initiated contact etc… But in general try to do this and it will help many people get a better night’s sleep and cut down on booty calls.

1 comment:

  1. You’re right! I want nothing but hand shakes and kisses on the cheek at every wedding I go to from now on.
